Design Services
museum exhibit display design museum

When the first young British pilots arrived by trail in Terrell, Texas in the summer of 1940, lives and the town of Terrell would be forever changed.  Terrell not only was home to an airport where these pilots could train, Terrell opened their homes and welcomed these boys into their hearts and lives.  The impression made by this first group of pilots and the hundreds and hundreds that followed still lives on eighty plus years later.

The downtown museum location is planned for a historic three-story building facing Moore Ave to the front and South Alley to the back.  The three story facility will service as a store front for the primary, big British Flying Training School Museum (BFTSM) located at the airport.  But more importantly the downtown location will be the center hub of entire British themed city and area-wide strategic marketing plan.

Visitor Center concept
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No. 1 British Flying Training School
Custom products maps kiosks interactives signage
Kaser Design
Terrell, Texas
Kaser Design
Kaser Design
Kaser Design
Kaser Design
Downtown Museum