Our competitive price advantage is made possible by our low overhead, tight in-house cost control, and a project-centric team approach. The two most common price methods are: 1) hourly, and 2) fixed fee. Each method has their common applications and basis for implementation.

1) Hourly pricing - Compensation is calculated by the number of hours worked by the team member performing the work. This method is best when the scope of work is undefined or unexpected work is encountered.

2) Fixed Fee pricing - This method is by far the most requested because the cost and pay schedules can be negotiated and budgeted before any work is preformed. This is only possible when a fairly clear vision of the project can be communicated in terms of objectives, criteria and restrictions. We typically quantify each and every facet of the work with specific terms and conditions.

Principle staff member (Day rate is $1,000 per day plus expenses, or hourly $125/hr) Associate staff member (Day rate is $600 per day plus expenses, or hourly @ $75/hr)
Design staff member (Hourly rate $ 60.00)

Individual deliverable budget

Black and White sketches ............................................. $ 250 - 1,000
Hand drawn color sketches............................................ 1,000 - 2,000
Computer simulated environment (single view) ............. 1,500 - 5,000
Aerial perspective site rendering ................................... 3,000 - 8,000
Rendered site map (flat) ................................................. 2,000 - 5,000
Initial Concept packages. .............................................. 1,000 - 10,000

Note: actual cost can vary. All amounts are US dollars

NOT INCLUDED unless otherwise stated

  • Source materials – existing condition documents, research, photos, films, etc
    Bonding, permit fees, filing fees, etc
  • Final Production Ready Art (FPRA)
  • Engineering services beyond our requirements for feasibility and/or construction
  • Reimbursable expenses. These expenses are costs incurred to produce the work Expenses shall be billed on an at- cost plus 10% basis. These expenses shall include the following: transportation, meals, hotel, document printing, reproductions, computer outputs, color copies, telephone, postage, courier charges, and overnight FedEx charges.